We are resuming in-person services at Winchester Grace on July 12, although we will continue to stream our services for those who choose to stay home. If you...


I want to personally thank each of you for your continued trust and hope in Jesus Christ as we go through the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the closing of church services and activities, you have demonstrated faithfulness through your relationship with God and each other.

Weekly, we’ve connected as a church family by coming together for our live Sunday services and our Wednesday evenings bible studies. Again, on behalf of Winchester Grace Church, our staff and leadership, I offer a sincere and heartfelt Thank You. Thank you for your precious prayers, and efforts to trust God in a new season. Thank you for participating wherever you could over these last months, and for blessing our church in special ways. Thank You!

You have demonstrated that we are bigger than a building. We ARE the church! You've blessed our hearts by demonstrating that "we" are WGC Hallelujah!

Now, let's prepare ourselves for our re-entry into our church building! Our desire is to be different, to not enter back into our building the way we left! Let us return changed, better, stronger, closer, and more sensitive to the move of God! Let us go back Refreshed and Ready for Revival! With Holy Spirit fire in our hearts and souls!

Our trustees and leaders have been working diligently to prepare our building for re-entry in a way that is safe for our families. We will be posting a video on the Facebook page this Wednesday that will provide clear details and guidelines for our re-opening. Please take time to view this video prior to our re-opening. Our first on-site service is planned for Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. The service will be held in the auditorium/gym or outside if weather permits. Feel free if outdoors to bring a lawn chair and any other items to make yourselves comfortable! Our plan going forward is to meet outside unless the weather prohibits us.

We will continue with Wednesday night Bible Study through Facebook live and/or through our church website. All other ministry activities and events will continue to utilize Zoom in order to meet.

In regards to the roll out of Phase III by Virginia's Governor Ralph Northam, the Elders, Deacons and Trustees along with church staff have met and agreed to follow these guidelines. We plan to do our part to provide a safe environment for all. We ask that you aid us in this endeavor. We ask that you bring a mask and do your best to prevent the spread of infection. Masks are not required for outdoor services as long as social distancing and safety measures are in place. If you do not have a mask for indoor services, we will have masks available.

As information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change, so will our updates. We plan to provide another status update sometime in early August.

We thank each and every member of our family for your patience, commitment and love in supporting our church leaders and most importantly your love and commitment for Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Church office.

In the service of our Lord,
Pastor Kevin Mincey