Our Deacons and Deaconesses are called to be dedicated caregivers who use their spiritual gifts in a shared ministry of concern for the total well-being of God's people at Winchester Grace. They minister to the body of Christ and assist the pastor with the work of the ministry related to the congregational care. The primary role is to meet the physical, general welfare and material needs of the congregation. Our Deacons provide all things necessary for the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and aid in these administrations. They care for the needy, first in the church then in the community. They assist the Pastor with Hospitality and in the caring for the sick and shut in. They assist the Pastor in every way they can to build up both spiritually and temporally the church. They are dedicated to prayer and live out the vision of our church, "A community centered on complete love and devotion for Jesus Christ with a focus on changing lives through Him.”
Our Deacon Families
Lead Deacon: Steve & Shari Whitacre
Dale & Merle Kerns
Roger & Cindy Tinsman
Steve & Shari Whitacre
Rodney & Teresa Boward
Darryl & Aleta Walden
Pete & Linda Stevens
Gary & Elizabeth Comparetto