Our History


It all started when…

Three women, Mrs. Brill, Mrs. Frye and Mrs. Keller came together with a purpose. They agreed to start a Bible believing Brethren Church in Winchester, VA. They met at the Dunlap Farm on Baker Lane for several years. The ladies decided to make and sell cruellers (doughnuts) to help finance a new church.

The first meetinghouse was built in 1925 at 645 Berryville Avenue, and Rev. E.J. Rohart became the first pastor of the new church and served the Lord faithfully for 13 years.

In the late 1930's, Reverend Norman Uphouse became the second pastor of the First Brethren Church of Winchester, VA. A parsonage was constructed next to the church at this time.

Reverend Paul E. Dick began a forty-year ministry in Winchester that lasted until his retirement in 1981. During his administration, a new and larger building (built over the first building) was dedicated on April 13, 1947. Services continued on the site, even during construction. A large Sunday School annex was built and dedicated on May 15, 1957. The church grew to nearly 300 attendees during those 40 years.

In 1979, the name of the church was officially changed from First Brethren Church to Grace Brethren Church.

Reverend Gerald Allebach, known as Pastor Jerry, was called as pastor when Rev. Paul E Dick retired. The new pastor served from 1981-1986. In 1982, land on Route 522 North of Winchester was purchased for a future church site.

Richard E. Bell became pastor in November 1986 and served until December 1998. In February 1990, 22.6 acres were purchased at the present location on Greenwood Road for a future building site. The first structure on the new property was the picnic shelter built by members of the church. A building for housing mowers and equipment was added in 1998.

The property on Berryville Ave. was sold in May 1999 to the Church of the Good Shepard. The property on Route 522 was sold the same year making a new church a realty two years later. The first service at 143 Greenwood Road was held May 6, 2001. Matthew C. Lohr became pastor of the new Winchester Grace Brethren Church on Greenwood Road in July 2001 till September 2011.

In February 2012, Pastor Kevin Mincey, the senior pastor and founder of the Disciples of Christ Outreach GBC and the senior pastor of Apple Valley GBC, was called by the Winchester GBC congregation to serve as Pastor. In April 2012, Pastor Kevin and the Apple Valley GBC merged with Winchester GBC.